Saturday, January 21, 2012

NII Shonan Meeting: Social

Socially, Japan is awesome. I took an evening off to look for Yasuda's new sushi place in Tokyo with my friend Luigi. Alas, I failed (btw Jun Tarui may have found the true one), but an arbitrary couple we stopped to ask about good restaurants in the neighborhood, walked us around to show us several restaurants for us to pick (we protested we didn't want to interrupt their evening plans, they said, "We ate a large meal, we need to walk it off anyway!").
What is International travel without movies on the airplane? I watched Egyptian movie, Al Kebar: this was reminiscent of 70's bollywood, men and women, friends and love, caught across the lines of law. The consensus in US is that Egypt has the potential to be a top 10 Economy within the next 10 years, this movie is just the past.
Finally, sundries: a superb calligraphic exhibition at the National Art Center in Tokyo; fruits, individually sweatered; and, a symmetric gallery of chopsticks.


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