Sunday, November 26, 2006

City Living

Living in a city has its own daily language.
  • You may use a cart to shop in a store for food, but you don't push the cart past the cashier because the full bags don't go into the cart and out to the car. Instead you lug the food bags home along the grid.
  • The NY taxi riders need a "Pull and Slide" note on the door handle of new *minivan* taxis on the street. They are used to the "Grab and Yank" to get into an oldfashioned taxi, and are unused to minivans, and minivan taxis.
  • NY Times had a collection of citydweller haikus a few years ago, and one went something like this: Our eyes met/He stood up and offered/his seat deep orange and warm. Most citydwellers will know that this tryst happened on the B/D/F subway.
  • Finally, as Seinfeld watchers would know and this is suitable for discussion coming out of a Thanksgiving break, you don't go to the airport to pick up visitors or see them off. You let them navigate the buses, taxis, bridges and the tolls.


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