Sunday, August 30, 2020

Burning Wood, Paper and Books

My childrens' book "Redwood Tree and its Friends" was written from China Grade Road in the Big Basin State Park. 

  • This road was on fire last week.
  • The park headquarters got gutted (the gift shop carried this book for sale).  From here: " Six of seven employee-housing structures burned to the ground. Many wooden bridges over creeks are damaged. Wooden stairs and steps have been torched to coals. Ablutions blocks look like they’ve been bombed. Big trees are still thundering to the ground regularly on their own, and countless others are partially burned and will pose a deadly threat until they’re taken down. Small fires still burn in stumps and fallen trees. Steep hillsides are bare of vegetation and will be vulnerable to landslides. A utility building was cloven virtually in two by a felled fir. Power poles burned and lines are down into the park.  And an oft-photographed attraction, a sawn section of an ancient redwood, with tags pointing to growth rings from the tree’s birth in 544 AD log through the birth of Mohammed in 570 and the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, has vanished into blowing ash."
  • Neighbor Bradley's vineyard (Big Basin Winery) has been impacted.
I hope friends  and colleagues remain protected from the fire and its aftermath. My thoughts are with the Redwood tree friends who have stood for many hundreds of years, and I hope will stand for many hundreds more.


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