Monday, August 16, 2010


WAW, the graph view of the web:

Dear colleague,

We are delighted to let you know that this year's WAW is co-located with WINE 2010 in Stanford, CA, during December 2010. Please see the CFP at

WAW aims to further the understanding of graphs that arise from the Web and various user activities on the Web, and stimulate the development of high-performance algorithms and applications that exploit these graphs. We are working with the Chairs of WINE 2010 to put together an outstanding four-day event at Stanford, including two eminent plenary speakers, excellent logistics and affordable registration, especially for students and postdoctoral researchers. We have also drafted the CFP to be significantly broader in scope than in previous years, and look forward to an exciting array of submissions.

Thanks, and hope to see your submission to WAW, and to see you in Stanford during the conference.

Best regards,

Ravi & Siva



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