Mihai Slams
I met Mihai at FUN 2003 in Isla de Elba. Since then, he has let his hair grow, got a bike, and has amassed enormous street cred, on and off the field of theoretical CS. Here is Mihai!
books, stories, poems, algorithms, math and computer science. some art and anecdotes too.
| Never been on a chariot, but seen them race in westerns and classics. Some days I feel like I am racing a chariot, the right wheel splintering, the nuts and bolts loosening and giving away, and the rattling chariot beginning to disintegrate under me, and all the while, I am racing, watching with the corner of my eye for a boulder to slam into me. Luckily, days like that pass, and a new week emerges. |
CPM has also been good at training some top class algorithmers; another niche area with this claim is Scheduling Theory. Still, CPM is less successful than it could become. Connection to more approx/random main stream algorithms, finding applications for the techniques in web retrieval, and perhaps collocation in the future with other more visible confs could bring more attention to CPM.
Instead of focusing on applications, I spoke about fundamental problems in string matching: extending non-standard string matching framework to develop a theory of alignments, 2 dimensional indexing, edit distance embeddings and others. Here is a research problem: