
I think about risk as a research problem, but in reality, I take either far much risk or far too little, unable to measure it accurately. The day was sedate and needing an adrenaline rush, I made a quick call to go up a mountain in High Tatras even as dark clouds were threatening the summit, rains were evident, and I had on just shorts and a T-shirt. I reached the summit, soaked from the cold, heavy rain. Then, I had to get down. It was a strange experience: for every few yards gained going down, I would look back and see that much of the mountain disappear under the clouds. Thus, chased by the clouds and the vanishing mountain, I stumbled back and searched for a sports clothes store to get some warm clothing.
ps: One can check out High Tatras via live cameras, it seems.
pps: The picture on the left was taken on a different day.