Sunday, February 26, 2017


Bit longer than a tweet:

  • I was late for my meeting because I was stopped at a traffic light at some NYC corner, a couple asked, "Hey, you from around here? Can you recommend a restaurant?", and I responded. Within a 3 block radius of  any street intersection in Manhattan, there are enough good restaurants to keep one talking for a while. 
  • I entered some word into iPhone during email and it autocorrected to "art". I must have done or at least talked about art sometime in the past. :)
  • I was at a pst and the corporation that trying to convince someone to be a customer of their "critical" service said, "We want to be the ONE throat you choke, if you have a problem." 

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Exciting new book

My long term collaborator, thinker, and a theory researcher Ramesh Hariharan has put together a book that sounds fascinating: Genomic Quirks: The Search for Spelling Errors.

"This is a book of real stories about the search for genomic spelling errors that have stark consequences -- infants who pass away mysteriously, siblings with misplaced organs, a family with several instances of vision loss, sisters whose hearts fail in the prime of their youth, a boy whose blood can’t carry enough oxygen, a baby with cancer in the eye, a middle-aged patient battling cancer, and the author’s own color blindness. The search in each case proves to be a detective quest that connects the world of medical practice with that of molecular biology, traversing the world of computer algorithms along the way."


Friday, February 03, 2017

9th annual NYCE meeting

The NY area CS+Econ meeting, the 2017 year version, will be held May 19th at NYU. More info:

The New York Computer Science and Economics Day is an annual meeting of researchers in the NY area working on the interplay between computer science and economics. As usual, NYCE will feature invited talks by leading researchers -- this year's keynote speakers include David Rothschild (Microsoft), Emin Gun Sirer (Cornell) and Assaf Zeevi (Columbia)  - as well as contributed talks and a poster session.

We are soliciting contributed short talks and posters. Topics of interest to the NYCE community include (but are not limited to) the economics of Internet activity such as search, user-generated content, or social networks; the economics of Internet advertising and marketing; the design and analysis of electronic markets; algorithmic game theory; mechanism design; and other subfields of algorithmic economics.  We welcome posters and short talks on theoretical, modeling, algorithmic, and empirical work.

Please see the website for registration and the call for papers.

Organizers: Amy Greenwald (Brown University), Ilan Lobel (NYU Stern), Renato Paes Leme (Google Research) and  James Wright (Microsoft Research)


Experiments with Reviewing

This is not an experiment with truth but an experiment with reviewing truth.  The WSDM PCs experimented with double-blind reviewing. Here is the PDF of preliminary analysis.
