Saturday, March 09, 2013

New Conference on OSNs

A new conf on online social networks, this by ACM, and hope this consolidates a lot of work across communities on OSNs.

ACM Conference on Online Social Networks
October 7-8, 2013 Boston, USA

With well over a billion people as members, today's online social networks (OSN) pervade all aspects of our daily lives. OSNs have grown beyond platforms for social communication and news dissemination, to indispensable tools for professional networking, social recommendations, and online content curation. Their usage has influenced today's societal and cultural issues, and changed the way we see ourselves and communicate with each other.

Not surprisingly, study and research in OSNs is highly interdisciplinary, and participants include researchers from networking and systems, databases and data mining, security and privacy, and modeling and analysis. For a number of years, researchers have published in disparate venues focused in their own areas, and have lacked a common platform to congregate and exchange ideas. This has limited communication between like-minded researchers, and led to repeated and sometimes conflicting results across disjoint venues.

The COSN (Conference on Online Social Networks) is organized with this challenge in mind. Our goal is to provide a premier publication venue that features high quality research from academia and industry across multiple disciplines focused around the study of OSNs. Of particular interest are works that focus on systems, security and privacy, graphs, data management, analysis, and data mining.  We solicit papers in broad areas relevant to the design, analysis and development of OSNs.
Topics of interest include:
    Novel social applications and systems
    Systems and algorithms for social search
    Infrastructure support for social networks and systems
    Social properties in systems design
    Clean-slate designs for social systems
    Measurement and analysis of social and crowdsourcing systems
    Graph analysis and visualization
    Processing and query optimization for large graphs
    Management of social network data
    Modeling Social Networks and behavior
    Streaming algorithms for social data
    Benchmarking, modeling, performance and workload characterization
    Information extraction and diffusion
    Data mining and machine learning in social networks
    Privacy in data collection and management
    Privacy and Security in social systems
    Privacy-preserving mechanisms for social and mobile data analysis
    Information disclosure and its impact on social networks
    Tracking social footprint / identities across social networks
    Trust systems and trustworthiness of social content/media
    Trust and reputations in social systems
    Detection, analysis, prevention of spam, phishing, and misbehavior in social systems
    Social and psychological understanding of these topics

COSN is the result of merger of 6 workshops held over the last few years in various venues: WOSN (Sigcomm/Usenix) SNS (Eurosys) DBSocial (SIGMOD) HotSocial (KDD) PSOSM (WWW) WOSS (VLDB)

Important dates:
        Abstract submission due:  Friday June 21 23:59 GMT
        Paper submission due:     Friday June 28 23:59 GMT      
        Acceptance notification:  July 31
        Camera-ready copy due:    Mon September 2
        Conference                Mon-Tue October 7-8, Boston

COSN 2013 allows two forms of submissions (PDF only):   Full papers (up to 12 pages including references) describing original research in detail.  Short papers (up to 6 pages including references) conveying promising work/high-level vision

All submissions must satisfy the following requirements:
  10-point font, two-column format, letter page size (11 x 8.5 inches)
  Names/affiliations of all authors on title page
  Submission site:
  Use style file at
  Non-compliant submissions will be rejected without review.

The website for COSN is and will be populated soon.
